Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Paper, Scissors, Stone...

I'm back from my amazing trip to Rotterdam for the Paper, Scissors, Stone Expo that I was in with David Shillinglaw and Otto Baum at the Singer Sweatshop Gallery. It was a really productive trip and all of us painted installation pieces, made some new work, hung our shows and even managed to work on a collaborative screenprint!...

I took so many photos of the week so I'm not going to show all of them but here is a little selection of the weeks activities!...


Singer Sweatshop

Preparing the show

Preparing the show

Preparing the show



The Film


Finished Screenprint



Drawing Install


SSS Installation


Otto and Ilsy

Live drawing thanks to the rain!...

Put that back!...

Rotterdam at night

Thanks Rotterdam, you're the best!...A special thanks to Jorrit for having us, showing us around and making the week so rad!...Thanks to everyone at Singer Sweatshop for making us so welcome and getting us so drunk, and to everyone who we met during the week!...See you again soon!...

I put a load more photos of the week on my flickr so you can check them

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