Monday, 19 July 2010

Bobby Digital!...

I'm really busy trying to get my work made for the Dirty Fingers show so haven't had the time to do much other work. I've been playing around with some digital work though and decided to make the Curiosity Killed the Cat piece below available as Tee's and Skate decks... I've also made a design especially for the Dirty Fingers expo, some dirty drippy fingers on the front and type on the back!...

Dirty Fingers
Dirty Fingers
Click here for the Dirty Fingers Tee...

Curiosity Killed the Cat
And click here for the Curiosity Tee, and here and here for the decks...

Really enjoyed hand drawing all the layers for these, I had forgotten about the versatility of digital illustration so will be doing more of this and taking it further in the near future...

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